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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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"Human Instincts and Environmental Repulsion"

Retardation and Desensitization of
Human Nature
For over a long period of time I have been thinking over how human Instincts behave and how environment repels it.
For instance I quote myself as an example some time back I wrote this on facebook notes as;

" Life has become a question of complexity indeed a catastrophic , cataclysmic and rugged feeling and it's desensitizing me. I don't know how to re compose and calculate this entire equation in other words gravity is always not responsible for you to fall. In the race of money and relations i have always came across only one answer relations need money to survive and it's the brutal truth of life "

All the time we hear people saying that you should do this, you should do that but Human Instincts are designed in such a manner that unless and until we don't personally experience something our mind and body will discard the idea and that's the best part but question raises as the title shows second part becomes active for instance, taking my above note as an example; "  I was having a discussion rather a debate with my friends the were telling me money is not everything you can't buy everything from money and I was telling them for me earing money is the satisfaction of life not buying everything with money ". Human nature is designed in such a way that every human being is different form another but the very common perception in our world is "Differences=Wrong". 

The only thing that I want my readers to understand is "Differences=Differences" but "Differences are not equal to Wrong ". Everybody has their success marks and paths so you cannot tell anybody that you are right and the person is wrong.

The last and the best example of human instincts of self experiencing is "You feel when you touch"

"Don't say no never otherwise you will be left with regret for your whole life because if you think you can and you are doing the right thing environmental repulsion will never bother you".


  1. After reading it I can assume that you are a peron of immense positivity.Keep it up.

  2. ur WOrk is REALy CREAtive YR

  3. Nice Try Asad. Keep going Buddy. The ending could have been a lil better.
    "Life has become a question of complexity indeed a catastrophic , cataclysmic and rugged feeling and it's desensitizing me. I don't know how to re compose and calculate this entire equation in other words gravity is always not responsible for you to fall. In the race of money and relations i have always came across only one answer relations need money to survive and it's the brutal truth of life ""
    THis is the highlight of the article for me :)

  4. Thanks a lot guys for your appreciation.
    And Pavan I wrote this on facebook a long time back just use this material to help my topic.And I will improve as you people will comment and follow my blog.


  6. Guyzzz please mention your names in your comments.

  7. .KEEP IT UP :) addi boy

    raza shaikh (shaikhu)
